I'm doing some cleaning of my home brew area and need to get rid of some extra bottles. Would be good for someone starting out or someone that just wants certain bottles.
16 Belgium style
20ish 220z bombers
20ish 16 oz
48ish 12 oz
All of them are clean with no labels
one of the 22 oz bottles has a label
and a few of the Belgium bottles have labels
If no one takes them I'll put them on craigslist like I did last time I had excess brew bottles(thought I would offer them to someone that needed them in the club first)
Send me a message on here or text me at 319-310-2239
Free Belgium style bottles, bombers, 16 oz, and 12 oz bottle
Free Belgium style bottles, bombers, 16 oz, and 12 oz bottle
Beer! It's not just for breakfast anymore!
Re: Free Belgium style bottles, bombers, 16 oz, and 12 oz bo
Bottles are gone for anyone that was interested
Beer! It's not just for breakfast anymore!
Re: Free Belgium style bottles, bombers, 16 oz, and 12 oz bo
However, I have been cleaning out my garage and found 7 dozen bottles in 12 pack boxes. Most have labels removed, but there might be a stray green bottle or two buried in there (I didn't open all the boxes to check). All should be fairly clean (stored upside down in the cases). Will give away to anyone who wants some, preferably all of them.
If you want any/all, shout out and I'll bring them to the meeting tomorrow night.
If you want any/all, shout out and I'll bring them to the meeting tomorrow night.
A Mighty Wind's A Brewing
“Life is short - break the rules, forgive quickly, kiss slowly, love truly, laugh uncontrollably, and never regret anything that made you smile” ― Mae West
“Life is short - break the rules, forgive quickly, kiss slowly, love truly, laugh uncontrollably, and never regret anything that made you smile” ― Mae West