-----Original Message-----
From: beer.brian [mailto:beer.brian@comcast.net]
Sent: Monday, March 20, 2006 10:29 AM
To: beer.brian
Subject: Enchanted Brewing Challenge
Hear ye! Hear ye!
The Dukes of Ale, New Mexico’s merriest band of homebrewers, hereby proclaims the inauguration of the Enchanted Brewing Challenge. The EBC is open to all brewers on planet earth and offers an amateur division for all BJCP styles, as well as a pro brewer free-for-all with an annual theme. This year’s theme is Radical Brewing in the spirit of Randy Mosher’s book celebrating creativity in brewing. Homebrewers may enter their unconventional concoctions in Category 23 for a chance at a special prize. Pro brewers may enter the Radical Beer Open. Things you should know:
- Saturday, April 29 – Judging Seminar (competition protocol for beginners)
- Friday, May 5 – Entry Deadline ($6 each, late entries will be consumed but not judged)
- Saturday, May 6 – Off-flavor Training Session (and entry check-in party)
- May 15-21 – Craft Beer Week (discover New Mexico craft beers!)
- Friday & Saturday, May 19 & 20 – Judging Sessions (judges and stewards needed!)
- Sunday, May 21 – Radical Post-Competition Party (for judges, stewards and special guests only - rub elbows with well-known radical brewers and help drink the leftover entries)
For all the Radical details, including entry mail-in directions, drop-off locations, how to be a judge or steward, lodging and maps, and who to contact for everything else, visit brewer@nmbeer.org (brewer@nmbeer.org) .
--Brian, 2006 King of the Dukes
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