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The year in beer

Posted: Sun Dec 19, 2010 12:17 pm
by carrisr
Yesterday I brewed a sweet stout in memory of John. This will likely be my last batch of beer for 2010, so I thought it might be a good idea to summarize my brewing journey for the year. A lot has happened.

I joined the club in February and brewed my fist batch the last weekend in March. I've since gone on to brew 26 batches of beer, for around 65 gallons. That's roughly a batch every 1.5 weeks!

3/27: My first batch, from 1/2 of a NB Irish Red extract kit.

4/22: Brewed the second half of the above kit, my 4th brew ever. This batch went on to take second place in the club competition. This is probably the event that sunk the proverbial hook and took this from amusing past time to near obsession.

May: I added temp control to my fermentation. First using a water bath then moved on to a fridge and a home-made controller.

June: I started doing partial mashes using "brew in a bag".

July: my first all-grain brew. Still using BIB.

7/30: brewed my first lager, an Munich Helles inspired by Lee's fine brew.

August: I said "F#ck the bag and added a spigot and screen to by mash tun. This made things much easier, especially on my back. I also started learning and experimenting with water composition.

September: I got really serious about water chemistry using a mix of well water, RO water, and mineral additions.. More recently I started using all RO water and building up the profile from scratch.

December: took the plunge into kegging. I currently have 3 kegs and a 3 gallon carboy of lagering Schwarzbier crammed into my little chest freezer.

Posted: Sun Dec 19, 2010 12:47 pm
by tompb
You've been busy.
Looking back at my logs I show 11 batches for 110 gallons.
For equipment I've added a temp controller and heat wraps for fermenting, a stir plate for starters, and I getting ready to put thermometers into my kettles. I think I am going to add sight glasses for the kettles as well.
In the spring when I start brewing again I'm getting a fridge for even better temp control.
Next will be starting to convert my system to electric. I might keep a burner for the boil kettle though. I still have quite a bit to figure out on that yet.

Posted: Mon Dec 20, 2010 12:40 pm
by Matt F
Yes Randy, you certainly jumped in with both feet.

The year in beer

Posted: Mon Dec 20, 2010 1:37 pm
by JimPotts
On Mon, Dec 20, 2010 at 12:40 PM, Matt F < (> wrote:
Yes Randy, you certainly jumped in with both feet.
That explains that strange Tinactin-flavor...

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Posted: Mon Dec 20, 2010 2:37 pm
by BrewHound
That explains the corn I found the last time I had one of Randy's beers :roll:

Posted: Mon Dec 20, 2010 4:46 pm
by tony b
Dude, you are just awesome, man! From the guys that kept saying, "I can't believe you can make great beers this easy!" to look at you now!

For a lot of the new guys in the Club, seek out Randy for the quick boot up. He's progressed a ton in under a year and is a super guy. He will give you any help you need, as will many of the other members.