Got Hops? I do!

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Matt F
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Got Hops? I do!

Post by Matt F »

Check out my hop crop so far. I will probably start harvesting weekly starting 8/17. I have one picture here and posted some more in the photo album.

How are the hops doing from the rhizomes I distributed? Post some pictures if you can. Mine are in their fourth year and this is the most hops yet, and no bugs anywhere!
Matt Franklin
Slappy Brewing North

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Matt F
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Post by Matt F »

Here is the picture mentioned in the previous message.
IMG_1068 small.JPG
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Matt Franklin
Slappy Brewing North

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Rhizome Reply

Post by exdevildogcpl »


My rhizome started out pretty good. Then, when it was about two feet tall, a wascawwy wabbit chewed it off to the ground. It is now about four feet tall, but I don't see any cones forming.

But, the one I gave to a friend is doing quite well and he says he expects to harvest about 3 to 6 oz (I don't know if that's wet or dry weight).

Thanks again for your generosity!

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tony b
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Post by tony b »

Bad news here, too. Mine wasn't the wascally wabbit, it was the lawn service who weed-whacked mine off at the ground a couple of weeks ago. It had been doing very well up to that point and had started to bud. I was major league po'ed. Hopefully it will rebound before Fall frosts.
A Mighty Wind's A Brewing

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Post by DaveCo »

Holy buckets, they are doing great. I can hardly wait to try to the wet hop pale this fall.

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Post by TappedOut »

It looks like a hop shrine. I like it!

What are you using for the support?
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Post by lpapkin »

I planted mine late, but they have been doing great. They're about 10-12 feet tall and now have some small hop cones on them. I had to put some chicken wire around the base of mine so the rabbits wouldn't get to them. I'm sure that next year they'll be even better. Not sure if I'll actually be able to harvest anything usable, but they look good so far! I'll probably plant a couple more next year. They make great vines growing up the deck.
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Matt F
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Post by Matt F »

For support I have two posts spliced together. Next year I am thinking of throwing a string up to a tree near my garden and seeing how high I can get a new rhizome to grow! The ones in the picture hit the top of my support during June!
Matt Franklin
Slappy Brewing North

On Tap:
American IPA
Strata Hazy IPA
Dr. Lee Orval
American Strong Ale
Friend of the Devil Belgian Golden Strong
Imperial Stout