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Coffee Nerds

Posted: Sun Mar 29, 2015 5:29 pm
by czubak
Met a guy through one of the kids show choir functions that roasts his own beans and touts them as the freshest and bet in Iowa for $16/pound. I plan to get some soon to try.

His Facebook page to contact him if you want some is Mason Mills Coffee. I had him close to a beer/coffee trade but he sounds like he drinks more coffee (3#/mo) than beer. [emoji15]

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Re: Coffee Nerds

Posted: Mon Mar 30, 2015 7:45 am
by andrewmaixner
Holy crap... presuming average average-strength arabica, "dark roast" chemical degradation, and full extraction when brewed, that's...
(1.5%*3LB) = 20411.7 mg caffeine
*85% (after roasting) = 17350 mg
/30days = 578 mg caffeine per day.

Equivalent of about 20 servings of Dr. Pepper.

Re: Coffee Nerds

Posted: Mon Mar 30, 2015 6:21 pm
by Bear
you can buy your own roaster and green coffee beans at Midwest. ... offee.html

Re: Coffee Nerds

Posted: Mon Mar 30, 2015 7:01 pm
by czubak
Aware of that. Just helping out a local that has a passion that I don't ;)

Sent from my Samsung S5

Re: Coffee Nerds

Posted: Thu Apr 02, 2015 5:50 pm
by crcyclone87
andrewmaixner wrote:Holy crap... presuming average average-strength arabica, "dark roast" chemical degradation, and full extraction when brewed, that's...
(1.5%*3LB) = 20411.7 mg caffeine
*85% (after roasting) = 17350 mg
/30days = 578 mg caffeine per day.

Equivalent of about 20 servings of Dr. Pepper.

Actually that in not an excessive amount of caffeine per day. I read an article on the Internet (has to be true if it is on the Internet) that 2-4 8 oz. cups of coffee is good for your health. An 8 oz. cup of drip coffee contains between 115-175mg of caffeine. So 4 cups of coffee = 580 mg caffeine per day figuring an average of 145mg per cup. So the guy is an average healthy coffee drinker. Me on the other hand, I am the holy crap coffee drinker. After reading this I calculated my caffeine consumption on an average day. I drink at least a pot of coffee a day and my coffee pot is at least 48 oz. That is at least 6 cups. And if I am working day shift, that is finished before 7am. Then I will have at least 2-3 cups throughout the day because there is free coffee at work. There may be days I will drink over 10 cups in a day. Wow!! That is almost 1500 mg of caffeine per day. I might have to think about cutting back a little. Or just drink more Surly Coffee Bender. :lol: :lol:

Re: Coffee Nerds

Posted: Fri Apr 03, 2015 7:50 am
by andrewmaixner
Ok, you're right, it isn't crazy, I went and calculated mine to be between 100 and 270 per day.

Might want to get your blood pressure checked, though :)

Re: Coffee Nerds

Posted: Fri Apr 03, 2015 12:34 pm
by UndeadFred
My wife and I would be dead if that is an issue. We go through about 3/4 of a lb of coffee a week each. Latte and Espresso.. go big or don't go at all...

If anyone who hasn't toyed with home roasting of coffee before is interested in home roasting, let me know. I've been doing it for several years. I'd be willing to roast up a pound for someone also if they are seriously interested into getting in that hobby for say, my cost +$1 (since it takes me about 35-40 minutes to do, but of really non serious effort). I can give pointers on how to do it cheap to try, also. $20 and a trip to Menards can get you started for the easy and cheap air popper method. I'll modify the popper for you too if you need it....

For what coffee should cost at retail, I recommend the semi-local (and also avid homebrewers, despite not being in that business) near Madison... $16/lb is about $10 profit for the roaster...
