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Modern Times Beer Recipes

Posted: Fri Jan 22, 2016 10:35 am
by Matt F
Had some folks ask about the recipe for my hoppy wheat I was pouring last night. It is basically Modern Times Fortunate Islands with a few adjustments. Also, I ran low on Citra so I substituted Mosaic. Most of their recipes were developed by the Author of American Sour, Michael Tonsmeire. He is know for his awesome blog.

After each of the beer descriptions for Modern Times is a link to the homebrew recipe on Beersmith.

Re: Modern Times Beer Recipes

Posted: Fri Jan 22, 2016 11:59 am
by tony b
Thanks for the info, Matt. Very nice to have it talk directly to BeerSmith.

Re: Modern Times Beer Recipes

Posted: Tue Jan 26, 2016 12:01 pm
by Steven P
I also have imported these to Beersmith.