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Pour Beer at BBQ Roundup in CR June 24, 2017

Posted: Fri May 26, 2017 8:51 am
by Matt F
We may have an opportunity to pour beer at the BBQ Roundup in Cedar Rapids on Saturday, June 24 in the evening. It would be a good opportunity to sell tickets to our festival and get our club in front of some people that may have never heard of us before. This is a big event.

So I am thinking we roll our our 10 tap bar and pour beer. For that to happen we will need volunteers to head up the event. I am fishing in Minnesota the entire week up to that event and won't be back until it is over Saturday night. If we have 10 kegs or more and some volunteers I think we can pull this off.

Reply here to let me know if there is any interest and if some folks can pour. More details to follow but for now want to gauge interest.

Re: Pour Beer at BBQ Roundup in CR June 24, 2017

Posted: Fri May 26, 2017 9:43 am
by tony b
I'm interested, but can't commit any beer at this point. It will all depend on what's leftover from NHC?

Re: Pour Beer at BBQ Roundup in CR June 24, 2017

Posted: Fri May 26, 2017 9:47 am
by wyzzyrdd
I can provide a keg of cider and a keg of mead. Not sure about beer yet.

Re: Pour Beer at BBQ Roundup in CR June 24, 2017

Posted: Fri May 26, 2017 10:45 am
by Matt F
That's my thought Tony. Maybe have some beer left from NHC to pour. If we think we can get enough beer to push 10 taps and at least a couple people to haul the trailer there for setup and takedown we can commit. If needed I should be able to donate a keg or two.

Re: Pour Beer at BBQ Roundup in CR June 24, 2017

Posted: Fri May 26, 2017 3:08 pm
by mjensen52402
I'm in. I will wear something nice. It will be orange.

Re: Pour Beer at BBQ Roundup in CR June 24, 2017

Posted: Fri May 26, 2017 3:54 pm
by daryl
I'll have something to share by then.

Re: Pour Beer at BBQ Roundup in CR June 24, 2017

Posted: Fri May 26, 2017 7:01 pm
by karl
I can probably have a couple of beers available. And, I'd better get busy making more.

Sent from my Pixel XL using Tapatalk

Re: Pour Beer at BBQ Roundup in CR June 24, 2017

Posted: Fri May 26, 2017 7:46 pm
by jjpeanasky
This is right before the wort rally is due, so I would guess a lot of us would have some beer to share. Also a great way to advertise for the wort rally tasting event!

- Josh Peanasky

Re: Pour Beer at BBQ Roundup in CR June 24, 2017

Posted: Sat May 27, 2017 9:50 pm
by Matt F
Sounds like we can do this. I will follow up with our commitment and details.

Re: Pour Beer at BBQ Roundup in CR June 24, 2017

Posted: Mon May 29, 2017 11:25 am
by Shane
I can have something available and can show up in orange as well.

Re: Pour Beer at BBQ Roundup in CR June 24, 2017

Posted: Tue May 30, 2017 7:34 am
by Matt F
Logistics are key point for making this happen. I will be out of town June 17-24. That means someone will have to get the trailer to setup for the BBQ Round Up Saturday night, June 24. Other option is to take jockey box and or 6 tap. Taking the main 10 tap bar would be my recommendation. The bar will be in Minneapolis the prior weekend for NHC. So here is what has to happen.

Someone has to get trailer from NHC group and make sure bar clean and ready to go for BBQ Round Up. Bar will also need cleaned after BBQ Round Up and returned to Lee's the following day or after. Don't take it back late that night after the event please. If someone can commit to making that happen then I will get us locked in for BBQ Round Up.

Re: Pour Beer at BBQ Roundup in CR June 24, 2017

Posted: Tue May 30, 2017 8:54 am
by carrisr
Are the Roundup folks offering a donation to our club or a charity. This event makes big bucks. I get it that it's an advertising op but it's a different crowd. We've already committed to a lot of events this Summer. I don't want event organizers to think of our club as a free attraction for events, especially for profit ones.

Sent from my Nexus 5X using Tapatalk

Re: Pour Beer at BBQ Roundup in CR June 24, 2017

Posted: Tue May 30, 2017 9:41 am
by Matt F
I have not had discussions on donation to the club. That will come once I have all the information I need to have those discussions. We are looking at it as an opportunity to market our festival. It is relatively cheap advertising (our time and beer) to a target audience with a higher probability than average of purchasing a festival ticket. There is no better marketing then having the consumer try our product and then find out there is only one place they can get it, our homebrew festival. The only resources required to run the event are a couple people to setup the bar and pour up to 10 kegs (or more if folks bring it).

We are looking at many new opportunities to grow attendance at our festival this year. We are very open to anything members are willing to do. So far, it looks like we can get enough beer together to run a display. We will evaluate each marketing avenue explored this year to see if it worked or not going forward to determine which courses of action we use in upcoming years. This is a new opportunity we would like to explore. We benefit by being there. If we do not have enough folks to staff the event then we don't do it. If it does not seem to sell tickets to our festival, then we won't do it next year.

Many members don't realize how many people we have had to say no to this year. The BBQ Roundup folks are not begging us to be there. They just thought it would be a cool event for us if we want. We understand we have limited resources. That is why we are surveying members here before committing. If folks cannot or simply just don't want to do it, that's cool. It seems enough people want to do this event. Just need confirmation of who in charge of the bar.

Pouring opportunites this year are numerous. Our top annual events remain:
-CR Homebrew Festival in August (lots of beer)
-Monthly Happy Hours at Lion Bridge (less significant amounts of beer required)
-Benz Beerfest in May (lots of beer)
-River's Edge Homebrew Festival in July (need to support our Quad Cities friends, less beer than our fest and Benz)

Other annual events we currently pour at for fun:
-Independence BrewBBQ (week after our homebrew festival)
-Lager 'Lympics (new one, festival marketing, less beer)
-CR BBQ Roundup (new one, festival marketing, less beer)

This year we have a major event that is not available every year, Homebrew Con. This event is very important but also know it really only directly impacts the approximately 15 members (less than half of us) attending plus, anyone sending beer. Others may be more available June 24 that were not in Minneapolis the prior weekend.

With all the stuff we do, please as a member of the club do not feel obligated to participate in every event. If you do not have beer you want to give away or the time it is cool. This is a club for fun. Just participate how/when/where you want too. I want to provide you with as many opportunities as you wish to have and to continue to grow our Homebrew Festival.

Re: Pour Beer at BBQ Roundup in CR June 24, 2017

Posted: Tue May 30, 2017 11:09 am
by tony b
I am certainly willing to help man the bar on the 24th, even if I don't have any leftover beer from NHC. If I do, I'll certainly donate it to help pimp our Festival. However, I don't have a practical way to haul the trailer.

Re: Pour Beer at BBQ Roundup in CR June 24, 2017

Posted: Tue May 30, 2017 11:53 am
by Matt F
If no one available get trailer and bar there we can always go with a jockey box. That will fit in the back seat of most vehicles.