I will be brewing a NEIPA at my place on Saturday, January 13. I plan to mash in at 5pm. Probably going to be a single hop beer as I plan to do several of those this year.
I would like to make this a bottle share event so if you have something you have been wanting to open, bring it along. Also feel free to bring a snack to share. I do things pretty informal so I don't plan to prepare a bunch of food or anything. My special lady friend is out of town that night so she won't be around to make us anything either and I don't feel like cooking. If we get hungry maybe we get some pizzas. I will have the NFL playoffs on the big screen for you football fans.
I should have my latest dank IPA on tap if I get it kegged in time. I also have a Belgian Dubbel that I may make a special sour blend of with some old stuff I have stashed in the brewery. The other two taps are whats left of some old Matt Damon and a Saison that needs to go.
For folks who have never been to my place, here is a link to directions ( http://www.crbeernuts.org/phpBB3/viewto ... 895#p24895 ). Basically it is the second house on a shared driveway. It is an interesting driveway but I will have it salted, sanded and safe for travel. Address is 1102 30th Street Drive SE, Cedar Rapids, IA 52403.
Brewing NEIPA Saturday, Jan 13, 5pm
Brewing NEIPA Saturday, Jan 13, 5pm
Matt Franklin
Slappy Brewing North
On Tap:
American IPA
Strata Hazy IPA
Dr. Lee Orval
American Strong Ale
Friend of the Devil Belgian Golden Strong
Imperial Stout
Slappy Brewing North
On Tap:
American IPA
Strata Hazy IPA
Dr. Lee Orval
American Strong Ale
Friend of the Devil Belgian Golden Strong
Imperial Stout