On Saturday, I'm brewing a Belgian Wit for Benz Beer Fest.
If you're interested in either all-grain brewing or brewing with electricity, feel free to stop by, the garage door will be open.
http://www.flickr.com/photos/33275630@N ... 644856913/
I plan to dough-in around 9 or 10 AM and should finish up around 2 or 3.
3518 Water Point Rd, SW
Cedar Rapids
Brewing on Saturday
Thanks for showing me your setup yesterday. It was really interesting to watch, and I definitely learned a few things that should help me with my brewing. And double thanks for lunch, I certainly didn't expect you to feed me too! The awesome beers you had on tap were also much appreciated. I'd definitely brew that Helles again if I were you, it was really tasty. In all it was a blast.
Thanks for showing me your setup yesterday. It was really interesting to watch, and I definitely learned a few things that should help me with my brewing. And double thanks for lunch, I certainly didn't expect you to feed me too! The awesome beers you had on tap were also much appreciated. I'd definitely brew that Helles again if I were you, it was really tasty. In all it was a blast.
Randy Carris
Randy All the Time Brewing
Randy All the Time Brewing